25 June 2009

...while wondering what ever happened to Lee Majors

We live in an idiotic country. How is it that we have people protesting in the streets over election discrepancies in Iran, yet not a soul took to the streets in 2000? Regardless of the outcome, which may very well have been exactly the same, how in the hell can the same people who did not care enough to riot when votes were knowingly, intentionally -- and allegedly legally -- not counted in a presidential election in this country muster the give a damn to protest the happenings on the other side of the world. Fucking posers...Ed, Farrah, we hardly knew ye...The Washington Wizards have cemented their place as the most incompetent front office in the NBA (sorry, Clips). If it wasn't bad enough that they hired Flip "CBA" Saunders as head coach, they went an incredible step further this week when they turned down an opportunity to acquire Amare Stoudamire, because they did not want to part with -- Caron Butler. Dude -- we'd rather have Lerch the Butler than that scrub, and the Wiz turned down a legitimate Top-Ten NBA talent. Ridiculous...Best line of the Mark Sanford saga submitted by loyal reader Lydia, who said, "the staff misunderstood him: he didn't say he was, "hiking the Appalachian Trail"; he said he was, "catching some Argentinian tail". Greatness...Speaking of greatness, Shaq + LBJ = Larry O'Brien...This just in from the Department of Excellent Marketing Strategy: Windows 7 has been priced at $49 for the home version ($99 for Professional), which is not only cheaper than the flawed Vista, but XP as well. "I am intelligently priced and I am a pc-o.s."...Idiot sentencing month is coming to an end and none too soon. June has seen the following sentences: Cleveland Browns WR Donte Stallworth got 30 days for running a guy over -- while drunk (Stallworth, not the guy). David Earls, of Oklahoma got 20 years, 19 of which were suspended, for molesting a 4 year-old girl. With time served, he will be out in September. Lee Monroe Crider, was convicted in California of stealing a bicycle from Lance Armstrong. The bike was subsequently returned. He got 3 years in prison. The rundown (no pun intended): Kill someone with your car while driving drunk, 30 days; Ass-rape a 4 year-old, 1 year; Steal and return a bicycle, 3 years. We live in an idiotic country.

Until next time,