07 December 2005

...while wondering what ever happened to Gene Wilder

We're recovering from significant oral surgery this week, so we shamelessly offer the work of another, for your reading pleasure.

First though, kudos to
Mark Cuban and courtside Dallas Mavericks season ticket holders, for collaborating for their second annual "Seats for Soldiers" night, wherein each and every person along the first row, all around the court, donated their game tickets for the use of active US military personnel. I think it's safe to say the Mavs and Magic were safe from the terrorists for a few hours.

Now, on to the

We are not, in fact, alone in our lingering obsession with athletic couture, as evidenced below: (And you know the Kobe thing's been bugging you too!)


and if that ain't enough for ya, it gets truly disturbed here:


And finishing out the theme of letting others write our material, this from two of the recently-departed:

"If you are on fire and running down the street, people will get out of your way."
--Richard Pryor

"We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches. We will leave you your small joys -- and smaller troubles."
--Eugene McCarthy

Until the tooth fairy grants us welief,

Alexa Joel made her debut last Saturday night at NYC's The Cutting Room, playing mostly her own songs. Mom and Dad, with their respective spouses, were in attendance and the Piano Girl was well-received by audience and critics alike.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at that game, three rows behind Bo Outlaw. The tribute made me cry.

2:43 AM CST  

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