16 October 2005

...while wondering what ever happened to Demond Wilson:

We have a "fodder file" here at Scattershooting, where we hold on to tidbits for use during the occasional slow week. Sometimes we forget to look in there; sometimes (like the last few weeks), we get so busy we don't even publish. In any event, periodically we like to clean out the fodder file. Some of it's irrelevant, some untimely and some outright unuseable at this point. Here's what we have left:

Damn that A-Rod. First he leaves the Rangers and joins The Empire. No problem there; makes it easier to hate him. So what does he do? Walking around downtown Beantown the other day, he grabs a kid out of the path of a truck, saving his life. How do you hate a guy like that? Who am I kidding? I'm from Philly, I can always find a way to hate. He probably paid the kid to jump into the street anyway...So the World Health Organization is worried that vials of a killer virus got lost in the mail. Aparently it hadn't crossed their mind that shipping to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon might be asking for some trouble. Either that or the Taliban forgot to pay for the post office box renewal in Bagdad. And why are you freaking mailing something like that?...I went on the ride as far as I could. Sorry Michael, you are a child molester. And you need to go to prison. For a very long time. The worst part of all this is that Jackson is going to walk because this family is just trash...OK, don't ask me how I found this. Somethings are just better left unknown. The story of Mike the Headless Chicken goes like this: Mike survived a beheading in 1945 in Fruita, Colo. Afterward, he could go through the motions of pecking for food, and when he tried to crow, a gurgle came out. His owner put feed and water directly into Mike's gullet with an eyedropper. Scientists examined the chicken and theorized Mike had enough of a brain stem left to live headless. He was a popular attraction until he choked to death on a corn kernel. And to paraphraze the greal Al Johnson, it's just not your day if you can't get your head chopped off without choking on your dinner...If the true intent of traffic laws -- and speed limit laws in particular -- are for safety and not profit, why does my speedometer go up to 130 mph? Better yet, why does my vehicle not have a governor on it preventing me from trying to do so?...The State of Florida's Department of Children and Families has released a final report, stating unequivically that Terri Schaivo was not "abused, mistreated or exploited". Well, other than that whole "withholding food and water until she died a slow death" thing. OK, and the "let's all us politicians race to get on television and 'make a stand for dignity'" thing. Anyone seen any of those guys since Schaivo died? Me neither...So the State of Texas is finally taking that first bold step out of the 16th century, their senate passing a bill that allows for the sentence of life without possibility of parole in cases where someone lined up for the needle may find themselves in the unfortuate circumstance of being retarded. Or eleven. OK, that part I made up, but you get the gist. One would think, in a civilized society, that this is a good thing. Sadly, that's not the case in the Lone Star State. Said Rep. Steve Ogden, "I would expect if we pass this bill there will be, frankly, fewer executions in this state, but I back the bill nonetheless." What a guy. Even though there'll be less retarded folks murdered by the state, he can still gut it out and back the new law...While we're on law, does the statute of limitations make sense to anyone? I mean, if you did something, you did it. What's with getting rewarded for being better at keeping it on the DL than the next guy?...In game two of the Rockettes/Mavs series, Yao Ming's 13 for 14 (92.9%) shooting performance was tied for second-best ever (ten-attempt minimum) in a playoff game. The best? That would be one Donald Arvid Nelson, who in 1974 put up a perfect 10 for 10 in a game for the C-men...I wish Federalists (states rights folks) would get their arguments straight. On one hand, they bemoan unfunded mandates, yet on the other, sue because the federal government has the audacity to expect a minimum level of performance in exchange for the billions of dollars it gives states' educational systems. You can't have it both ways, folks...Irony personified: John Rocker is attepting to restart his career in the Independent Eastern League. He plays for Long Island...Fodder quote of the week: ''As a player you like to have a defined role and I am going in there knowing I'll be a backup and I don't have to worry about competing for a starting job or a job, period,"
--Rick Brunson. What a competitor.

There. We feel better now.


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