...while wondering what ever happened to Ricky Jordan
What the hell is John McCain doing holding press conferences with Joe the plumber -- and letting the guy take questions?!?!? Seriously. He knows less about foerign affairs than Sarah Palin, ("if Obama wins, it will spell the death of Isreal" -- wtf is that?). CNN's Anderson Cooper put it best when he said, "holding up Joe the plumber as an ideal of the Everyman is a good thing -- unless Jeo the plumber is an actual guy". With less than a week until election day, McCain doesn't need to be hiring Joe the Carny to do his bidding...Our latest electoral estimate: Obama 325 - McCain 213...We like to be fair here, so big BIG props to frequent target of wrath Bud Selig, for invoking his Comissioner super powers to decree that no World Series game shall ever end in less than nine innings. This is absolutely the right thing to do, rules be damned. If Game 5 would have been stopped after 5, (when most agree it should have), with Philadelphia ahead 2-1, and the Phillies would have been given the win, it would have cheapened the World Series irreparably. It would be like cancelling the damned thing over a labor disp---oops. Scratch that last part...One interesting note here is that, since the 1994 Fall Classic was cancelled, the Phillies held the National League title longet than any other team in history. Upon the completion of Game 5, they will have also played in the longest game in history as well (clock time)...They are reportedly passing out Palin 2012 paraphenalia at the VP candidate's rallys. Not cool. Seriously, you can't wait six days?...We're interested to see what the Republicans do after Election Day. They essentially have two choices: veer to the hard right and try to develop what for long has been considered their base; or head to the center, refashioning conservatism as a more fiscally-responsible alternative to the donkeys. We think the former would be a miscalculation. The Silent Majority is not a majority. They are every bit on the fringe as the unabashed flaming liberals of the left. The overwhelming majority of United Statesians are centrists. By going the Compassionate Conservative route (and we're serious here) that W originally set out on, the party can regroup in time for the midterm elections of 2010. If not, it's going to be a nuclear winter for the elephants. While names like Palin and Huckabee and even Bobby Jindal will be bandied about, remember this name for 2012: Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina. You heard it here first (and yes, he'll get the teeth whitened before then)...We're putting the finishing touches on the NBA Preview Edition. In the meantime, go Phillies!
Until next time,
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